Thursday, January 10, 2013


Forced by you (the idea/goal)
On going (trial and error)
Constant (support the idea/goal)
Understanding (remembering why the idea began)
Success (idea achieved)

Distractions in the world are nearly impossible to ignore. They come in several  forms such as friends, circumstances, and even our own lack of a disposition to succeed. For years many have wondered why they fall short of their goals and aspirations of self-actualization. Often blaming others, admiring another friend's accomplishments/mannerisms, or settling for what anyone is prepared to give them because they FOCUSed less on what they initially set out to achieve themselves. We all go through a stage in life where we believe that we can correlate a personal idea within reality that will bring us the wealth and recognition we desire. When negative people, troubling circumstances, or mental blocks come about we often lose sight of the idea we have originally fostered and cease to continue to create the reality that we are more than capable of doing. Why and how do people lose sight of their idea is simple, the lack of focus in their effort? I have created an acroynom from the word FOCUS that I believe is the key to maintaining an ambitious mind set, converting circumstances in favor of the individual, and prioritizing personal goals more effectively.

FOCUS is...

Forced by you
Ideas are plans of action created in the mind of individuals. Most ideas may come from outside sources; however, it is the internal decision of the individual on whether they will pursue the idea, or not, that makes it a personal goal. During this stage we also become aware of surrounding resources that can be manipulated in order to bring our idea to life. We then force ourselves into believing the idea is obtainable through thorough research, Primary and secondary. This is the most vital part of the FOCUS process. Think of your body as the ignition of a vehicle and your idea being the key that forces the research and belief in the idea.

On going
In short this step of FOCUS can be referred to as the adjustment stage. Beware this stage is the beginning of exposure to the negative people and circumstances described earlier in the text. making adjustments and dealing with negative forces will be on going throughout the individuals journey to bring forth their idea. For example professional athletes, lawyers, surgeons, and actors did not become great at their profession over night. Only through trial and error did they gain insight and make adjustments needed to become successful at their professions. While going through this stage individuals must know that mistakes will be made but this does not mean that the idea is a lost cause. The best expression I could use to describe the second stage of FOCUS is "practice makes perfect". People will react negatively towards every mistake made, this is a normal reaction. but it is the job of the individual to react pro actively and  learn from those mistakes before the next trial period. Remember reader, circumstances in life are not always constant and you will also need to adjust to these situational events so that your idea can function properly in the surrounding environment.

As I mentioned before trial and error will be on going in the FOCUS process; however, constant support of the idea or goal will assist greatly in one's effort to succeed. You must maintain positive thinking and proceed progressively consistently to overcome the negativity that surrounds us all.

It will be difficult to focus on achieving an idea/goal if one does not understand why they began the process. The purpose behind why you wanted to carry out your idea, besides money and accolades, will always push you mentally in finishing out what you started. Furthermore, when continue to focus on your idea a better understanding of self will also occur. You will realize that not only will the idea become more concrete but your character and personality will also be shaped with stability and proper structure. This stage may require meditating or frequent self evaluations. Your idea and your mental understanding of self are correlating projects that will flourish when given ample time to understand their purpose to the world.

The end result of persistent focus on the attempted idea/goal. Ironically this is also the end of the acronym. Be that as it may, this stage of FOCUS does not mark the end your work to attain unending rewards of your idea/goal. Stability and continued success occurs when FOCUS is sustained and practiced repeatedly.

Maintain FOCUS and #KeepReaching everyone. I hope this will assist you on your endeavors and become a apart of your daily routine to reach your full potential.

Friday, January 4, 2013

One Man's Worth

Many of us do not understand the value of our lives. Our worth to each other, our communities, and our future is priceless. Just think before schools in america allowed races to be educated together, there was a time our present society was just a dream seen by one. One man's dream, shared to a multitude of people, black and white alike, eventually became the reality and current social norm. What if this idea was never shared? What if this one man's words was not allocated among the American population? What if the livelihood of Dr. King was not set on a more civil humanity for the population, past and present?

Cogitate about these questions for a moment. Do you now see the worth of this one man's life journey? Without his work in the community, the vision of America divided would still be seen today. However, what we see today is so far from the events once shown on black and white television. In fact, America is far more vibrant now than anyone could have ever imagined during the segregation period. The foundation of our current society was not layed out the night before. We have arrived to this junction because years ago one man took control of his resources and made them worth while. He took himself, his surrounding community, and created a OUR future. One man fought for many, several others fought beside him, but yet none of them have ever reaped the result of their hard work. Freedom. Freedom

A phrase worth so much has now lost its value in the people that have obtained its comeuppance. We as a society show our true value with our actions in the community, emotions towards each other, and what  future inhabitants reap from what our ancestors sow. I ask now to you, inquiring reader. What is your worth? or better yet what is your freedom worth not only to yourself, but to the others that occupy this great nation with you and those who will soon gain control of its direction? Whatever your answer may be I hope the amount placed upon your own self dignity will be enough to harvest a greater America. May the worth of your work correlate with the better tomorrow in which our ancestors have donated to us. One Man's worth to a world is priceless. I pray that we all pay our debt to society and our ancestors soon before we run out of funding for this project we call our Home.
