Friday, January 4, 2013

One Man's Worth

Many of us do not understand the value of our lives. Our worth to each other, our communities, and our future is priceless. Just think before schools in america allowed races to be educated together, there was a time our present society was just a dream seen by one. One man's dream, shared to a multitude of people, black and white alike, eventually became the reality and current social norm. What if this idea was never shared? What if this one man's words was not allocated among the American population? What if the livelihood of Dr. King was not set on a more civil humanity for the population, past and present?

Cogitate about these questions for a moment. Do you now see the worth of this one man's life journey? Without his work in the community, the vision of America divided would still be seen today. However, what we see today is so far from the events once shown on black and white television. In fact, America is far more vibrant now than anyone could have ever imagined during the segregation period. The foundation of our current society was not layed out the night before. We have arrived to this junction because years ago one man took control of his resources and made them worth while. He took himself, his surrounding community, and created a OUR future. One man fought for many, several others fought beside him, but yet none of them have ever reaped the result of their hard work. Freedom. Freedom

A phrase worth so much has now lost its value in the people that have obtained its comeuppance. We as a society show our true value with our actions in the community, emotions towards each other, and what  future inhabitants reap from what our ancestors sow. I ask now to you, inquiring reader. What is your worth? or better yet what is your freedom worth not only to yourself, but to the others that occupy this great nation with you and those who will soon gain control of its direction? Whatever your answer may be I hope the amount placed upon your own self dignity will be enough to harvest a greater America. May the worth of your work correlate with the better tomorrow in which our ancestors have donated to us. One Man's worth to a world is priceless. I pray that we all pay our debt to society and our ancestors soon before we run out of funding for this project we call our Home.


1 comment:

  1. My freedom is valuable. It allows me to attempt to live out my dreams. Freedom allows me to network so I can grow spiritually, financially, and as a person. My freedom allows me to create opportunities for myself and others. I have friends incarcerated that can only dream while I'm able to try and live mines. I guess that's why I try not to take my freedom for granted.
    *Ellis *
